About Us

About us Muggreen Farms

Company Purpose

Muggreen Farms: A Farmer-Led Initiative to Tackle Agri-Business Supply Chain Gaps in Kenya!

Muggreen Farms, founded by farmers for farmers, aims to tackle the supply chain gaps that exist in the Kenyan agribusiness ecosystem. Unfortunately, unethical middlemen, both local and international, have made it difficult for quality Kenyan produce to reach the export market.

Many farmers have suffered large losses at the hands of suppliers who refuse to pay for ordered produce, resulting in inconsistencies in the supply of fresh produce. This irregular supply has also affected the confidence of genuine wholesalers in the UAE.

To address these issues, medium and small farmers joined forces to form this consortium, empowering themselves to become the solutions to their industry’s problems. Stakeholder management is a critical aspect of strategic business, and Muggreen Farms understands the importance of community engagement, particularly with farmers, as the most important stakeholder.

Besides buying produce from fellow farmers at fair prices, Muggreen Farms also offers life skills training and climate change projects through partner organizations. With consumers paying more attention to fair trade, climate change, and organic produce, Muggreen Farm Produce has high scores in all of these areas.

Company Vision

By Farmers for Farmers
Business processes at every point involve a human element, which, if not taken into account, unravels the whole thing. The supply chain is not just a series of robotic transactions but also relationships that must be maintained to ensure a steady flow of goods. As such, Muggreen Farms takes a holistic approach that guarantees success.

Fair Trade

Muggreen Farms is run by farmers for farmers, who ensure that fair prices are paid for produce.

Climate Change

Empowered to transition from victims of climate change to victors, Muggreen is working with other partners to plant fruit trees as a way of reducing CO2 emissions.

Community Engagement

Utilizing life skills training, climate change programs, and other projects for stakeholder management