Kenyan Avocado

Kenya’s equatorial climate, with a minimum of two rainy seasons and evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, makes it an ideal location for avocado cultivation.

Avocados can tolerate varying rainfall levels but require an average of 1,000–1,600 mm of rainfall per year.

We currently Produce two main types of Avocados HASS & FUERTE, other varieties include Jumbo and Pinkert

Fuertes Avocado


Smooth, thin green skin,
Creamy Pale-Green flesh
5-14 OZ
Known For:
Pear shape,
medium seed,
Easy peeling,
Great taste
Season: Feb-Aug

Hass Avocado


Pebbly, Thick
skin, Creamy Pale-Green flesh
5-12 OZ
Known For:
Oval shape, Small to medium seed, Easy peeling, Great taste
Season: March–September

Pack Size

Pack sizes for Avocados:
  • Sizes 12 to 24 in 4 kg boxes
  • Sizes 26 to 30 in 10kg boxes